Upload images from iPads to OneDrive/SharePoint
You can now upload images taken on your iPad to your personal OneDrive or team SharePoint Library wherever you have an internet connection without the need for a cable or computer.
Step 1 - Setup/Open OneDrive
- Locate the OneDrive app on your iPad and tap to open
- If this is the first time opening OneDrive you will be presented with the login screen. Enter your @ilpartnership email address and press the blue button

- Enter your password and tab Sign In

- If this is the first time setting up OneDrive, you will be prompted to restart OneDrive. Press OK and close OneDrive if it doesn't close automatically.

- Re-open OneDrive and tap OK if prompted with the message below

- Enter a PIN if prompted and continue.
- You will then be presented with the OneDrive home screen where you can navigate to any shared SharePoint libraries and view recent files. In the example we will create a new folder in your personal OneDrive called iPad Photos.

- Click on Files along the bottom to be taken to your personal OneDrive

- To create a new folder click on the Plus "+" in the top right corner
- Tab on Create a folder
- Give this folder a name (In this example I will call this iPad Images) and click create

- Once you're in the folder where you wish to upload the image to, press the Plus "+" again and tab on "Upload"

- You can then choose the images to upload. Tab on multiple to upload multiple images at a time.
- Wait for upload to finish.
Complete! - Your images are now stored in the Microsoft 365 cloud ready to be accessed, printed and shared.
Step 2 - Access files & print from a Windows machine
- Once logged in to Windows, Open your File Explorer

- In the left menu click on OneDrive

- If you've not logged in before, enter your login details and sign in
- Once logged in a new item will appear with your Synced OneDrive

- Click into here and you will be able to view your files and navigate to the folder with your iPad images.
- You can then select the images you wish to print as you normally would.
Note: If the images are in .heic format you may need to convert these to Jpeg before printing. A free online tool to do this can be found here https://heictojpg.com/